About 'Living Imperfectly Perfect'

'Living Imperfectly Perfect' was born from Jemma's brain because of things 'having' to be perfect in order to fit in.
Jemma Blythe uses her own lived experiences, all of which are not perfect to educate others to strive for imperfection as opposed to perfection. For example, Jemma was diagnosed with PCOS when she was in her early 20's and most of these symptoms weren't spoken about because they carried a lot of shame and taboo. Which lit a spark in Jemma, who started to wonder why?
Then after starting to see numerous Social Media pages do well, especially after seeing filter after filter added to the images, it started to create an illusion that everyone had to be a certain way to fit in on Social Media too.
With so much pretence both in real life and on Social Media, Jemma herself started to feel insecure about talking about her own problems as well as sharing ordinary posts on Social Media. Because, in her eyes she didn't feel good enough.
In short Jemma felt bound by perfection, until one day after having to leave her job, she was sat thinking about different mindsets and how imperfection could be applied to the mind to make a difference, and slowly but surely 'Living Imperfectly Perfect' was born.
Discover The Living Imperfectly Perfect Newsletter
More than just a Newsletter, 'Living Imperfectly Perfect' has the power to influence people to share their imperfections, without shame or taboo attached.
To the right is a rather attractive looking workbook, which acts as a companion to the newsletter encouraging subscribers to embrace their imperfections. This workbook is FREE when you subscribe to the 'Living Imperfectly Perfect' Newsletter which is published twice a week, on a Monday at 9am and Friday at 6pm GMT/BST.